Monday, April 19, 2010

To whom do we thank for all creation?

Our daughter found this amazing looking dandelion. It was completely full of life, completely symmetrical, flawless and a vibrant yellow. Despite being a weed, I couldn't help but think of God's creation and the wonders of his ways. He makes even the curses beautiful.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

To be a Child Again

To be a Child Again, originally uploaded by zhaonameloc.

Frustrations are high in the home today with the kids. The "little girl" really knows how to rub mom. Today though, Sarah got out of the house and enjoyed some quality time. The love tank is becoming filled again.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Numeral Uno

Two years ago a buddy and I went out shooting. It was the first time I've picked up a single lens reflex camera since high school. I loved it. I bought a Nikon D300 for myself and started on a trek for a hobby I had enjoyed for so long. I've been searching for my niche since then and haven't quite found it, but do so intently desire to tell stories about life and those around me.

So this is my blog, a thing I do not really do. I find it just another thing to consume time I don't really have. So for an undefined period of time, I am going to tell these stories through this blog, a thing I haven't quite been able to do with flickr.

This photo is of no particular consequence. I haven't shot anything in a while and needed to get out and went to one of my favorite spots in the city: the Adler Planetarium. This is a panoramic shot of several from the pier. There is not much of a story to tell here apart from the kind soul who had five minutes left on the meter where I parked so I didn't pay.